Instructional Designer | AVH Learning Designs

My name is Anna Henderson, and I am an instructional designer based in Surrey, UK. My passion for guiding individuals along their learning paths began when, after completing my MPhys at the University of Manchester, I became a qualified high school science teacher.
In 2015, a series of life events resulted in me relocating to Canada then to the United States and, during this time, my focus shifted from instructional delivery to instructional design and development. Since this transition, I have worked within both government and large corporate organizations to successfully develop both instructor-led training and E-learning curriculum.
When developing instruction, I love to unleash my creative side to ensure that all individuals gain the skills required to excel. I believe that, while learning and instruction is essential to the career development of a workforce, it should be purposeful and enjoyed by those participating. I love my role as an instructional designer and hope to continue my journey in assisting both individuals and organizations to achieve their learning goals.